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Week 6A: Engaging With Your Customers

1. Cadence Dance Projects

2. Yumi

3. Lovevery

4. Honest

5. FIT4MOM San Diego

6. The Mommy Center

7. My Gym Carlsbad

I chose to like a combination of popular health/eco conscious children's brands and local businesses that cater to new moms and children's activities. 

Yumi is the top of the industry for freshly delivered baby food. I chose to follow their page because their followers are the exact consumer I hope to reach. They post a combination of photos and videos, a lot of fun interactive content such as recipes you can make out of their products (something I mentioned wanting to do in my last post prior to seeing their page!) They also have a lot of infographics that give important facts like when to start feeding your infant solid foods, funny memes and tiktoks that aren't exactly promoting their products but are about being a mom, and current promotions that they're offering. There's a lot to learn from their page, but particularly how they incorporate humor in their posts (for example.)

Loverly and Honest are another two major children's brands. I chose Loverly because they manufacture toys that are designed to aid in children's brain development at different stages of their first two years. Their page is very information heavy, often posting interesting articles and facts about child development. I enjoyed reviewing their content, it's very well written and easy to follow. I can definitely take inspiration from how they take the root of their companies values and build on it by not just promoting their products but the methodology behind them. 

Honest is a hugely successful brand that makes environmentally responsible safe disposable baby supplies like diapers, wipes, and cleaning products. I followed this page because I know their customers are parents that choose to purchase environmentally friendly products, which is one of the key values in my future company Nunu Naturals. Their page also incorporates quite a bit of humor in their posts, which earn them a lot of interactions. I also noticed they post a lot of beautiful original photos that are warm and natural feeling, very on brand with the rest of their messaging. Additionally, they post a lot of user photos, which I feel is a great way to make their followers feel that they're involved in more than just a consumer brand but a community. This sense of community is something I would like to learn from, as I feel the entire reason one shops green is because they have a desire to preserve our planet for everyone on it, insinuating that we all share an inherent desire for a strong community. 

The other four pages I followed are all local businesses. I followed these because my brand is going to be a local small business as the rest of these are. The followers all seem to be parents and other community businesses and organizations centered around children's activities which I feel is a great space to find local customers. I also took time to find local businesses that have an active component to them, the thought being the followers will be those that put particular importance towards health and nutrition. The Mommy Center is a place for mothers to bond and support one another, often posting relatable memes, infographics and day-of-a-mom related videos. I think these followers would be particularly valuable as the moms who follow it are focused on communicating amongst one another and sharing their experiences and tips. FIT4MOM is another mommy focused company. They offer group exercises for moms to get in shape together. I think these followers would also be a great audience as they are focusing on their own health, and like The Mommy Center are a tribe working together and I can see a new local company focused on infant nutrition being something they would like to support. 

Speaking of local company, I followed Cadence Dance Studio because it is a local childrens dance studio I often pass on morning walks with my daughter. Theres always a crowd of parents outside, often with strollers and baby carriers in tow, watching their toddlers classes. I think that this crowd would also love to hear about a new local business that serves the community. MyGym is not a local business but rather a chain, however I chose to follow their Carlsbad branch because it felt like another great place to find potential parents to follow and interact with. They post a lot of videos of kids in the studio playing and having fun, followed by their current promotions and updates about events at the gym. I definitely think this is a great note for me to take in building my page. To post the clients enjoying the product!


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