My first post is a little infographic I created about some of the main reasons to eat Organic food. I feel that this is a strong introductory post because besides knowing its supposedly healthier and more expensive, few people I speak to really know WHY Organic is good. When we are ready to launch this company, I plan on revisiting this post an making the infographic stand out more with a company logo. For the second post I have scheduled a study posted by UCLA Health about the top foods for a babies developing brain. I feel like this is something that can be valuable to share because all of the food listed in this article are featured in our recipes. Something that really stood out to me in the last assignment were the pages that posted blogs and articles from other sources. I feel like sharing information gives a sense of community more so than just feeling like an online ad- which I am personally drawn to as a consumer. For my third post I chose to introduce a bit of hum...