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Showing posts from November, 2022

Week 6B: Creating and Scheduling Facebook Posts

  My first post is a little infographic I created about some of the main reasons to eat Organic food. I feel that this is a strong introductory post because besides knowing its supposedly healthier and more expensive, few people I speak to really know WHY Organic is good. When we are ready to launch this company, I plan on revisiting this post an making the infographic stand out more with a company logo.  For the second post I have scheduled a study posted by UCLA Health about the top foods for a babies developing brain. I feel like this is something that can be valuable to share because all of the food listed in this article are featured in our recipes. Something that really stood out to me in the last assignment were the pages that posted blogs and articles from other sources. I feel like sharing information gives a sense of community more so than just feeling like an online ad- which I am personally drawn to as a consumer. For my third post I chose to introduce a bit of hum...

Week 6A: Engaging With Your Customers

1.  Cadence Dance Projects 2.  Yumi 3.  Lovevery 4.  Honest 5.  FIT4MOM San Diego 6.  The Mommy Center 7.  My Gym Carlsbad I chose to like a combination of popular health/eco conscious children's brands and local businesses that cater to new moms and children's activities.  Yumi is the top of the industry for freshly delivered baby food. I chose to follow their page because their followers are the exact consumer I hope to reach. They post a combination of photos and videos, a lot of fun interactive content such as recipes you can make out of their products (something I mentioned wanting to do in my last post prior to seeing their page!) They also have a lot of infographics that give important facts like when to start feeding your infant solid foods, funny memes and tiktoks that aren't exactly promoting their products but are about being a mom, and current promotions that they're offering. There's a lot to learn from their page, but particularly ho...

Week 5B: Learning about Facebook Data Collecting

1. Post reach is important because it allows you to track how many people are seeing your posts. It gives insight as to how successfully you are utilizing your page to gain company awareness. If you see that your reach is low, it tells you that you must find new ways to get the name out. Perhaps by joining more groups, using hashtags, or following users that are already following similar companies to yours. Engagement is important because it gives insight into whether or not the content you're posting is interesting to your followers, or if you need to switch up your posting style in a way that will land better with your followers.  2. Both engagement and reach can teach you a lot about what you are and are not doing right with your page. From your reach, you can also track trends to see what kinds of posts get more attention. This can inform the way you post in the future to build more traction. If each post gets more reach than the last, you can learn that you are doing the right...

Week 4B: Defining YOUR Target Market

"Target Market Analysis for Nunu: An Organic Home Delivery Baby Nutrition Company "  This Target Market Analysis will describe the the intended customer base for Nunu, the health conscious eco-friendly choice for moms and dads on the go.      Nunu is inspired by my time working as a nanny in Southern California. The families I worked for were double income households, parents being busy professionals balancing their full time careers and family life. A common theme in these households: organic vegetables in the fridge, quinoa in the cupboard, and Kombucha in the cooler. What I learned however, was that these parents lacked the time to convert their nutritious meals into a matter that could be fed and enjoyed by their growing infants. Often I was told how they wished they had the time to make fresh baby food from scratch, but regrettably ended up using off the shelf preservative filled options. Even the "healthy" brands sti...

Week 4A: Defining A Market

      For this assignment I chose to analyze the difference between two natural grocery stores, the growing chain Sprouts and the single location grocer Cream of the Crop. My initial observation in differentiating the two is how clearly each website is looking to serve a similar goal in different ways. Both websites crossover in that they are intended to educate stores provide a sense of community. Sprouts features several different blog sections. One blog is all recipes using the products they offer, giving a more interactive appeal to the viewer. They also offer a page featuring articles and resources. This page covers a variety of topics from health tips to product comparisons. Additionally, the Sprouts website has a section covering savings: their current promotions, coupons, and a downloadable link to their app. Across the board, you can tell that the Sprouts team goal is to provide customers with a more immersive online experience, pushing to go beyond an online sto...