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Showing posts from December, 2022

Week 17: Wrapping It Up

      This course has completely changed my perspective of social media marketing. Previously, I assumed this was a simple art form that anyone could accomplish by posting a pretty picture. This course has made me understand the nuances that separate a successful campaign and one that falls at the waist-side. Specifically, the use of hashtags was something I never knew the power of. Before this class I thought that hashtags were corny. Now I see that proper use of this tool will make or break a businesses outreach. Another thing I learned is how important it is to post the right content. In this course I studied accounts with tens of thousands of followers but very little engagement because they didn't post content that was interesting to their following.     I absolutely have a better understanding of how to use social media to build my business. The best part of this course is that it forces you to look at existing companies and valuate their success...

Week 16B: Building Out Your Strategy

 The platforms I've decided are best for my business are Instagram, Facebook, Email Newsletters and blog posts. Instagram and Facebook are the most direct ways to reach the Nunu customer. Through Instagram hashtags, Facebook groups, and targeted ads I've deduced that the Metaverse is where my company will thrive. When I posted on instagram with hashtags I was immediately messaged by other pages asking to collaborate. In joining parenting Facebook groups in the area I already have moms asking me to start delivering product. Facebook and Instagram make it so easy to find an audience it makes me understand why these are the top social media platforms. Email newsletters and blog posts are my opportunity to connect with the audience I gain via the Metaverse on a more human level. By sharing thoughtfully curated articles, recipes, and personal insights I will connect with my customers on a level that simple posting cannot.  My plan for the next month is to have two targeted ads go l...

Week 16A: Developing Your Marketing Strategy

I feel that Instagram and Facebook will integrate best with my business. I feel that these are the two platforms where my target consumer, working parents, spend their time. By posting interesting and sharable content like infographics and recipes, I think that instagram will be a powerful tool not just for brand awareness but community interaction. Facebook groups are extremely appealing to me as a way to market my business. In week 6 when we learned about engaging with customers on Facebook I learned how many groups there are in the area dedicated to raising families. My plan is to join these groups and post about Nunu to spread my brand awareness with the moms and dads of North County. I also really believe in the use of a email newsletter and maintaining a blog on Nunu's website. When researching other companies, I connected most with the ones that created content that went deeper than simply talking about their own product and trying to convince users to buy it. It's my p...

Week 15B: What We Learn From Facebook Analytics

     According to Facebook, Apples new App Tracking Transparency feature will cost the company $12 billion in losses. This feature is designed to protect users privacy prevent the use of their private data being collected and sold by tech giants like Facebook's META. Apple's CEO Tim Cook tweeted " We believe users should have the choice over the data that is being collected about them and how it’s used." This comes at an interesting time, as the last few years bombshell after bombshell have revealed how our data has been used and manipulated to turn a profit. This update prompts users with a pop up clearly giving the option to allow or not allow Facebook to track their data.     How did these apps track our data in the first place? With the use of a code known as IDFA or Identifier for advertisers, companies like Facebook imbed permission to access and sell data in their terms of conditions. Apples new software is designed to override this code, creati...

Week 15A: Google Analytics

 The tools featured on Google Analytics which I feel are most useful for Nunu are as follows: Social Reporting:   This feature gives business owners reports on the success of their social media posts. Using this feature will help me create better content, see what works, and know what kinds of posts to avoid. I have a wide range of ideas for social media posting, from recipes to recent food nutrition discoveries. This feature will tell me what gets people excited! Customer Centric Measurement: The Google Analytics page explains this feature as one that will help me understand how customers interact with my website. It will show me which parts of the website gains traction from users, and which ones are less interesting to my audience. This will be particularly helpful with the blog portion of our website. It will tell me which blog posts gain traction. I can see if particular blog posts translate into more sales.  Reports Are Sharable: Google Analytics allows me to easily...

Week 14A: Social Media Management Tools

Nunu is currently a one person operation, two if you include my mom helping me watch after the baby! Because of this, I feel that SocialPilot will be the best social media management service for me. They do not offer a free service but their paid plan is very affordable, the basic version being $42.50 a month which allow access for up to three users. This plan helps in scheduling posts for up to 20 social media accounts. They will also give analytics of accounts and help with customer support. I don't think that I will be using any management service initially. The daily operation for my business allots for an entire day dedicated to social media and community outreach. See below: Saturday: Go to vendors to pick up product for the first batch of deliveries.   Sunday: Prepare meals for the first delivery route.   Monday: First delivery route of the week (delivery schedule is designed to accommodate customers work schedule. There will be morning, afternoon, and evening deliver...

Week 13B: Developing Online Advertising

My first ad for this assignment was intended to drive sales. I chose to use humor to appeal to the tired working parent who is getting home from work and starting to think about dinner for the next week. I didn't specifically say what our service does, but focused on the experience the customer is currently going through. I hope that in using this technique I will draw viewers in because they will emotionally connect to what they're feeling.    "Got a case of the Mondays?  Let us Take Something Of Your Plate, And Something On Your Baby's..." My second ad was intended to bring brand awareness. I posted a picture of our Pea Protein Bites, a healthy and yummy finger food for babies starting to chew. I chose to post this picture without saying what the item is. They're bright and colorful and look like nothing you can buy in a store. I feel like this is an ad that will spark curiosity in viewers, drawing them to our site to learn more about these mysterious green ...

Week 13A: Online Advertising- Analysis of The Marketplace

Recently, I've struggled to enjoy social media because of the never ending stream of ads. Some are obvious campaigns posted and paid for by the company that's promoting themselves. I commonly see these when I'm flicking through the "stories" section on Instagram. They're usually either promoting a sale or have a tag line that draws viewers in to click on the add ("keep the little ones entertained...more.") Sometimes the ads are of items I had been previously looking at on my safari app without purchasing. This tells me that their intention is to remind you of the items you already showed interest in, a "did you forget something?" strategy. The story ads are always algorithmic and either exact companies I've looked at or similar companies.  Increasingly I see more subliminal ads. Accounts that I follow posting a product that their paid to promote in the background of their post or casually using a product. Instagram influencers heavily u...

Week 12B: Business Specific Tools

I first commented on Pablos page. I really appreciated how detailed his post was and while our businesses are very different we had similar thoughts on how to use the platforms LinkedIn, MeetUp and Google for Business. Second, I read Emanuels post. I thought it was fun to read him tell us about the success of people who posted on TikTok. Since we are both doing food based businesses, I was excited hear his thoughts on using Yelp. I suggested another feature of the site that I think is a strong benefit of having a profile on the site. For my third post I chose Megans blog. I chose her blog because both of our businesses involve parenting, and I was curious to see what she had to say. I suggested that we collaborate on mak...

Week 12A: Using Business Specific Tools

 Online Collaboration Tools: These are services which allow coworkers to collaborate remotely, and online office space if you will. I can definitely see myself using to help keep myself organized and ensure that all tasks are accomplished when they need to be. Because Nunu is such a small operation, I don't see myself using most of these services simply because there isn't a company infrastructure which calls for it. However, I can see using the video conference feature for meeting with vendors and with companies that we will be partnering with for cross promotion.  Social Networking for Professionals: LinkedIn to me has always seemed like an easy way to look up anyones resume. It's a great tool when looking for new employees or collaborators. Where one would once have to rely on headhunters and word of mouth, LinkedIn makes it simple to look for professionals with relative experience that cater to your specific needs. I definitely think LinkedIn would be a power...

Week 11B: Marketing With Other Social Media

The first group member whos post I commented on was Riot Dude. He and I had a very different approach to the assignment. He posted a screen shot of his company twitter account. (His account requires approval before posting on his page, what i wrote was:)  "Hi Riot! I love your header for the twitter page. It's super on brand with your business- bold, colorful and unique. I also really loved that you shared Krissy's conut shop with us. I wish you had shared more information about the company, but I really appreciate you shouting out another local small business."  The second group member was Max. He chose to write about Tik Tok which I enjoyed because it's the platform I know the least about.  The third group member whose post I wrote on was Towa. Towa wrote a...

Week 11A: Marketing with Twitter, TikTok, Google for Business and LinkedIn and More

     This week I chose to learn more about the use of Social Media influencer partnerships to promote a brand. The reason that this subject appealed most to me is because I think that I could find a lot of success in working with "mommy influencers" to promote Nunu. In my research I learned that mommy bloggers typically fall in the category of micro influencers. Micro influencers have smaller followings and produce content that covers a particular niche. While generally parenting centric accounts have a relatively small following for the lexicon of social media influencers, this is not always the case. Carlie Anderson is a mom blogger in San Diego County with an audience of 93 thousand. She doesn't post sexy bikini pictures or how to videos the way the majority of instagrams mega-stars do, but sticks to content about her family and life as a parent. Some of her major sponsors are Gatorade, Aerie, and even Disney. What does it cost to get someone like Carlie, or @lipglossa...

Week 10B: Developing an ENewsletter

First I posted on Pablo's blog: Secondly I posted to Sarah's: Finally, I commented on Kristy's blog:

Week 10A: Researching Email Marketing

1. I think I should send two emails per month. The reason I think this is a good schedule is because we are a weekly delivery service. I think that by sending a newsletter every 2 weeks it will remind customers to reorder product if they have run out, and remind those who have been meaning to try it that we're here. I also would like for this newsletter to be interesting and something customers actually want to read. If I send out newsletters too frequently, they will inevitably get annoying and start to be ignored.  2. Some of my ideas for this newsletter are updates on children's nutrition. I would look at recent studies, books, articles etc. and use them as a starting point to write a quick but insightful newsletter that teaches something new about child development. I also think it would be fun to share recipes on the newsletter, similar to my idea for a blog. Each newsletter will feature a new recipe that can be made using our products. I also think it would be great to up...

Week 9B: Using Categories

 The categories I would use on my blog would be Recipes, Health, and Meet our Team. Recipes would feature innovative ways you can use the product to make other more complex recipes. For example, using our Asparagus Pea Mash to make a hearty green veggie soup. Health would be for posts about infant and child nutrition, which explains why our recipes are designed the way they are. Finally, Meet our Team would be a monthly series in which we highlight one of our team members or venders. I feel that this will be a great way for new customers to get to know our business from a human to human level. In my opinion, by highlighting our team members and vendors we will build trust with our customers and build a stronger sense of community. 

Week 9A: Blogs, Vlogs, Podcasts and Webinars

In my opinion, it is always a great idea for a business to add an extra  level  of relatability in their messaging.  I can think of a few situations in which personal touches will enhance a post. Firstly, I feel that customer stories can be really helpful in adding value to a product. For example, if I were to share a customers story about how before ordering NuNu, they struggled to balance work with being a new parent. I would use this to show that the product is more than just another food product, but a company that cares about helping families live a better life. I think that using personal information can also be powerful when a company talks about their team. Featuring an employee bio once a month can help customers feel like they really know who is running Nunu and why. It makes them trust the company more because it gives a face to the service, and also shows that theres human element of why we do what we do. It makes t...

Week 8B: Your Instagram Hashtag Use

For my first post on instagram I decided to post a chart of babies first 100 foods. I used the following caption and hashtags: Babies 100 First Foods! When babies begin eating solid foods, every week is a new world of nutritional needs. NuNu’s customized meal plans are tailored exactly to where your little one is developmentally 🧠🧠🧠 πŸ₯¬ πŸ₯’ πŸ₯‘ πŸ₯ 🌽 🍌 πŸ‘ 🍎 πŸ‰   #organicbabyfood   #babiesfirst100 #infantnutrition   #babynutrition #6monthsold   #7monthsold #8monthsold   #9monthsold #eattherainbow   #smartbaby #smartbabies   #healthybabyfood #healthyrecipes   #cleanbabyfood #cleanbabyproducts #sandiegomoms   #oceansidemoms #socalmoms Some of these hashtags I found from other pages that I reviewed in the previous exercise. I also decided to add more locally targeted hashtags like #oceansidemoms because I saw that there were already over 500 posts using that hashtag, and it represents the community I hope to connect with. I decided to use #eatt...

Week 8A: How To Expand Your Reach on Instagram by Using Hashtags

 1. @amarababyfood 2. @_goodyfoody_ 3. @hellomamamade 4. @babyaahar 1. The first account I looked at is an organic baby food company called Amara Baby Food.  They have 54.9 K followers, so I feels it's safe to say that they are successfully using hashtags to attract followers to their page. They post on their page at least once a day and they always have updated stories. They use a lot of hashtags. One thing that stood out about their hashtag usage is how specific they are. They use tags like "#7monthsold" and "#babyweaningrecipes." This is very smart to me because they are going to attract users that are looking for a very specific need, not just a general category like #babyfood. They also do not use the same tags in each post. They cater the specific tags to whatever they are posting, which is determined by the particular product that's being promoted. Some products are for infants, some are snack food, sometimes they post recipes. It...